When you are involved in an auto collision, you may panic about how you will be able to cover the costs of the body repair work your car needs. This may be especially true if you were at fault in the accident. If you have questions about what your auto insurance covers for collision repair, here are some basic guidelines for collision repair coverage and how it works from some of Birmingham’s top insurance companies, so you can have a better understanding of what may and may not be covered in your situation.

Know Your Insurance

Because each auto insurance policy is unique, it is impossible to give a one-size-fits-all estimate of just how much your insurance will cover to repair collision damage. However, if your auto insurance card mentions that you carry “Comprehensive and Collision” insurance, it means that you are covered for damage to your car up to a certain dollar amount. Damage to someone else’s vehicle is covered by the “Property Damage” portion of your auto insurance policy, which is helpful to know if you are at fault and are responsible for the body repair costs incurred by the other driver in the collision. Insurance companies like Birmingham’s own Red Rock Insurance Group advise policyholders to know what their insurance covers in the event of a collision, and to make sure they are insured at least for liability, as it is Alabama state law to carry auto insurance.

Be Prepared

The sudden shock of an auto collision can make it difficult for drivers to think clearly about what to do immediately after they have been in an accident, but it is important to call your insurance provider as soon as possible to file a claim. This can be made easier by having all the vital information about the collision available when you call your auto insurance agent. Make sure to have the other motorist’s contact information and insurance policy number on hand if he or she was deemed at fault, as the claim will need to be filed through their insurance company in that case. Once you file your claim, you will have set the process in motion for insurance coverage for collision repair. 

Receive Your Collision Repair Estimate

Depending on your insurance company’s policies, a claims adjuster should be able to come to your residence or to the auto body repair shop where your car has been towed and assess the damage, providing you and your body repair specialist with an accurate estimate for the collision insurance payout. Birmingham auto insurance companies like Infinity can process claims quickly and work directly with auto body repair centers once the repair estimate has been provided, so you can rest assured that your collision damage costs will be covered up to the amount allowed by your insurance policy.

An auto accident is always a stressful event, but Sherrill Paint & Body is here to help make a bad time better. We are open to all insurance types, companies and coverages, so you don’t have to worry about red tape delaying your collision repair. Let our experts take care of your car and your insurance- we will handle all of the heavy lifting when it comes to your insurance coverage for collision repair. Call Birmingham’s trusted auto body repair center today at 205-322-5684 and let us know how we can help you get your car back to its pre-accident condition. We’re here for you!